Monday, October 21, 2013

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Good and Bad Abdominal Exercises

If a tighter tummy is what you are looking for where do you start? There are so many exercises out there and some are better than others.

The traditional sit up or crunch is not the most effective  weight loss exercise for the abs. Most people do not use their stomach muscles for this exercise but rather their hips. Here instead are some good exercises to try.

1.) The Bicycle - This is done by lying with your back on the floor. Place your hands behind your head for support but do not pull on your neck. Raise your feet off the ground to a point you are comfortable with but is still a challenge. The stronger you are the closer your feet will be to the ground.

Begin by bringing one elbow to the opposite knee then switch. The idea is that your feet are moving as if you were ridding a bike.

2.) Captain's Chair - This one involves equipment that is found at most gyms. You place your back against the pad and rest your arms on the armrests, your feet will be dangling. From here you pull your knees to your chest. As you gain strength you can try to keep your legs straight as you lift them.

weight loss exercises

3.) Crunch on an exercise ball - For this exercise you will need an exercise ball. Sit on the ball with your feet on the floor. The wider your feet are the more stability you will have. Roll down until the ball is positioned on your lower back, your thighs and torso should be parallel with the ground. Now raise your torso by contracting your abs no more than 45 degrees.

4.) Vertical Crunch - Lie flat on the floor pressing your lower back to the ground. Extend your legs straight up in the air crossing at the ankle. Place your hands behind your head for support. Contract your abdominal muscles by lifting your torso toward the celling. Be sure to keep your chin off your chest.
Keep in mind that abdominal muscles should be worked often. Unlike weight training you do not need to take a day off after working them. instead do a short routine everyday, even five minutes a day can make a difference.

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